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According to Malibongwe, a South African reality TV star, Nigerian girls have an excessive love for money

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    South African reality TV star and radio presenter, Malibongwe Gumede, recently shared her perspective on romantic relationships, suggesting that Nigerian women are often influenced by financial motives when entering into romantic relationships.

    Gumede highlighted the perceived disparity in approaches between Nigerian and South African women, claiming that, unlike their Nigerian counterparts, South African women tend to engage in relationships without prioritising the financial status of their partners.

    The discussion took place during the latest episode of the Frankly Speaking podcast, co-hosted by Nollywood actor Chinedu Ani Emmanuel, popularly known as Nedu.

    Gumede said, “We South African women if we like a guy, let’s say a Nigerian guy, we will not hide our feelings.

    You don’t even have to start spending money before I can do anything with you. If I like you, I like you. It’s genuine.

    “But with Nigerian girls, what I’ve noticed is that first, they need to suck everything out of you. That’s what I’ve noticed about Nigerian girls.

    They love money too much. You know, South African girls, we can love you even if you don’t have money, as long as you are trying.

    But with Nigerian girls, it’s all about the money. If you don’t have money, they won’t even speak to you. What will they be gaining from you if you don’t have the money to maintain their lifestyles?”


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