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Ein technologischer Geschäftsmann gibt zu, dass er ein Hacker in einem Verbrechen von vier Punkten und fünf Billionen Bitcoin ist

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    Ilya Lichtenstein (right) sat with Heather Morgan (left) and an attorney during a court appearance last year. Photo: Elizabeth Williams/Associated Press

    The mystery hacker behind one of the largest crypto heists ever revealed himself Thursday as a New York tech entrepreneur married to a wannabe rapper named Razzlekhan.

    Ilya Lichtenstein admitted to the hack at a hearing in federal court in Washington, D.C., saying that in 2016 he broke into crypto exchange Bitfinex’s network and stole bitcoin that is now worth billions of dollars. He was in court to plead guilty to conspiring to launder money from the heist. What wasn’t expected was the admission he played a critical role in the hack.

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    Article information

    Author: Lindsey Sherman

    Last Updated: 1704527281

    Views: 1935

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    Author information

    Name: Lindsey Sherman

    Birthday: 1949-07-23

    Address: 7631 Wall Camp Apt. 317, Port Gregoryland, AR 06349

    Phone: +4216914692625115

    Job: Architect

    Hobby: Puzzle Solving, Swimming, Rowing, Robotics, Crochet, Fishing, Mountain Climbing

    Introduction: My name is Lindsey Sherman, I am a ingenious, honest, talented, capable, spirited, apt, frank person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.