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X Polityka prywatności

Table of Contents

    With service providers.
    We may share your information with our service providers that perform functions and provide services on our behalf, including payment services providers who facilitate payments; service providers that host our various blogs and wikis; service providers that help us understand the use of our services; applicant tracking system providers to send and receive applicant and job data to potential employers; and those that provide fraud detection services. 

    With advertisers. Advertising revenue enables us to provide our products and services. Advertisers may learn information from your engagement with their ads on or off X. For example, if you click on an external link or ad on our services, that advertiser or website operator might figure out that you came from X, along with other information associated with the ad you clicked, such as characteristics of the audience it was intended to reach and other X-generated identifiers for that ad. They may also collect other personal information from you, such as cookie identifiers, or your IP address.

    Third-party content & integrations. We share or disclose your information with your consent or at your direction, such as when you authorize a third-party web client or application to access your account or when you direct us to share your feedback with a business. Similarly, to improve your experience, we work with third-party partners to display their video content on X or to allow cross-platform sharing. When you watch or otherwise interact with content from our video or cross-platform sharing partners, they may receive and process your personal information as described in their privacy policies. For video content, you can adjust your autoplay settings if you prefer that content not to play automatically.

    Through our APIs. We use technology like APIs and embeds to make public X information available to websites, apps, and others for their use, for example, displaying posts on a news website or analyzing what people say on X. We generally make this content available in limited quantities for free and charge licensing fees for large-scale access. We have standard terms that govern how this information can be used, and a compliance program to enforce these terms. But these individuals and companies are not affiliated with X, and their offerings may not reflect updates you make on X. For more information about how we make public data on X available to the world, visit https://developer.x.com.


    Article information

    Author: Molly Ford

    Last Updated: 1703382121

    Views: 786

    Rating: 4 / 5 (82 voted)

    Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Molly Ford

    Birthday: 1909-06-10

    Address: 484 Alvarez Dam, Port Regina, RI 07202

    Phone: +4269007504101200

    Job: Archaeologist

    Hobby: Survival Skills, Bird Watching, Photography, Camping, Scuba Diving, Baking, Reading

    Introduction: My name is Molly Ford, I am a variegated, spirited, striking, important, audacious, accessible, bold person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.